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Would you like to know more about
Play Therapy and Play Therapists?
I'm glad to share some information with you!

Above image sourced from www.a4pt.org/resource with credit to: The 20 therapeutic powers of play. Graphic adapted and reprinted with permission from the Association for Play Therapy, Play Therapy™, 14(3) from the September 2019 issue. Original graphic from Dr. Judi Parson, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
What Is Play Therapy?
Play Therapy is defined by Association for Play Therapy (APT) as “the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained Play Therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development."
More: https://www.a4pt.org/page/PTMakesADifference
Isn't Play Therapy Just Play?
Nope. Play Therapy is not the same as regular, everyday play. While spontaneous play is a natural and essential part of the developmental process, Play Therapy is a systematic and therapeutic approach.
More: https://www.a4pt.org/page/ParentsStagesofThera
Who Is A Registered Play Therapist?
Play Therapists have earned a graduate mental health degree and are licensed mental health professionals with extensive training, supervision, and education in Play Therapy.
While some Play Therapists do not possess a specialized Play Therapy credential, a Registered Play TherapistTM (RPT), Registered Play Therapist-SupervisorTM (RPT-S), or School Based-Registered Play TherapistTM (SB-RPT) are those professionals who have met the stringent standards set by APT to become a credentialed Play Therapist. It is unethical and misleading for other professionals who work with children/adolescents and incorporate toys or play-based techniques into their work, but are not trained Play Therapists, to represent themselves as a "play therapist". Ask to see the Play Therapist's certificate that he or she meets the requirements and is in good standing with the Association for Play Therapy.
More: https://www.a4pt.org/page/ResearchReferences
So...Who Can Provide Play Therapy?
Play Therapy should only be provided by graduate-level mental health professionals who have met the required education, clinical licensure, and additional specialized training and supervision specific to Play Therapy. Play Therapy incorporates a growing number of evidence-based practices and techniques (SAMHSA, 2014), and should only be utilized by specially trained mental health professionals.
Parents Corner...
Excellent resources for current trends and interests in parenting: https://www.a4pt.org/page/ParentsCornerHomePag